Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist credential is designed for individuals who can demonstrate knowledge, skills, and experience in email marketing best practices in the following areas: content creation, subscriber and data management, delivery, and analytics within the Marketing Cloud Email application.

Key Facts

  • 60 multiple-choice questions
  • 90 minutes to complete the exam
  • 67% score to pass (41 good answers)
  • 200 USD registration fee (plus applicable taxes)
  • 100 USD retake fee (plus applicable taxes)
  • No prerequisites
  • Proctored exam delivered onsite a a testing center or in an online proctored environment
  • No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam sections

Below are all the sections, which will be tested during the exam.

A candidate should have a hands-on experience and deep understanding of the following areas.

Email Marketing Best Practices: 10%

  • Given a customer scenario, evaluate elements and techniques of email marketing to design effective emails and email programs.
  • Given a customer scenario, differentiate elements of an email that can impact message deliverability.
  • Given a customer scenario, demonstrate appropriate and effective subscriber acquisition and retention methodologies.

Content Creation and Delivery: 24%

  • Given a desired sending process, recommend Marketing Cloud tools to use when preparing an email for send.
  • Given a customer scenario, create and customize an email message to meet customers’ needs.
  • Given a customer scenario, configure send settings to meet the customer requirements.
  • Given a customer scenario, organize and manage email campaign content.

Marketing Automation: 26%

  • Given a customer scenario, recommend the appropriate marketing automation solution.
  • Given a customer scenario, build the appropriate Automation Studio solution.
  • Given a customer scenario, build the appropriate Journey Builder solution.

Subscriber and Data Management: 26%

  • Given desired output requirements, setup Data Extensions in Marketing Cloud.
  • Given a customer’s business requirements, determine how to import data into Marketing Cloud.
  • Given a customer’s business requirements, configure segmentation tools to model subscribers and data.
  • Given a customer scenario, identify and troubleshoot send discrepancy based on subscriber preference management.

Insights and Analytics: 14%

  • Given a customer scenario, explain the different metrics available for email campaigns and what each one means.
  • Given an email campaign, describe the steps involved to analyze the performance results.
  • Given a customer scenario, configure and run Marketing Cloud ad hoc and automated reports.
  • Given a customer scenario, recommend an Einstein product that will analyze campaign effectiveness.

For the reference: Check Salesforce official Exam Guide.

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